
iDea's 4 hoMe

If you have an empty spaces in your house, and don’t know what to do about it??
Here some idea above might help, by hanging some interesting painting, adding on side table or sideboard & a nice Lamp, and also can add in some chairs, wall mirror or decorative item.

Now may use it to put  telephone, family photo, house or car key & maybe note for your family member to sport on.
Have any idea wanted to share? Please feel to post your comments :)

somerset KL duplex soHo

Unit for Sell & Rent
Somerset KL Duplex Soho 
use as Office or Resident
2000sqf 2 baths & 1 Store  open concept

enquiry please call 017 853 6660

sHahZan cOurt ampaNg

Unit for Sell & Rent
ShahZan Court Ampang
1100sqf 2 rooms & 2 baths
enquiry please call 017 853 6660


mini bAr couNTer

Mini Bar Counter - 1950s Art Decor
If you plan to have your own mini cocktail bar at your own home And this will be your best selection, size of L141cm x W48cm
Easy to place around at your own playground

LaSair CHAise LounGe

The multi-position Chaise Lounge was designed by Le Corbusier in 1928.
It has a relevant nickname: “the ultimate relaxing machine”, offering a large range of reclining positions.


i nEEd a dEsk !!!

Desk available from price range rm280 - rm980
only@The Curiousity Shop