
stoRy of chArles N rAy eaMEs

Charles & Ray Eames Were designers from USA, married in 1941, who worked and made major fields of design including industrial design, furniture design, art etc.....In the 1950s, Charles and Ray continued their work in architecture and modern furniture design. Charles and Ray pioneered new technologies, such as the fiberglass, plastic resin chairs and the wire mesh chairs. at the above is some of their worked are available at The Curiousity Shop


retRo rattaN deSign - dinniNg set

The design is circa from late 60s -70s, is a mixture of new & classic element created a new look out of basic rattan furniture. i must say this is one of collectible piece


bEHind tHe scIeNce oF thE PRESTIGE maG

Model: Ms.Haflin
Crew: tell u all soon
Location: Rooftop@The Curiousity Shop


iTem fr0m 咖啡店 a.K.a koPiTiam

Kopitiam bench (origin from Penang)
come with L (2 seat) & T (4 seat) shape

Kopitiam Table's


leT's spOt tHe iteM u waNt

Welcome to the Curiousity Shop inner look,
Lets us play a game tell us how many lights or lamps u can find in here..... :)


beRangan niGht@tHe criOsitY sHop (8 Aug 09)

5 hosts + 5 different guests from each host = gathering & LETS PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


claSSic deSk

French desk

Georgian Desk
made in England


HOT!!! dealS Of thE weeK

Cabinet on super hot deal!!!!!

Come and get it till the stock last , will update more on hot deal

Datin Natasha Hudson@CuRiousity sHop oN PRESTIGE mAg


Photographer: John Ong

Stylist: Yugo Tham / asst by: Yuki Wong

Makeup/ Hair stylist: Desmond Yoi @ Snips

Model: Datin Natasha Hudson

All apparels & Shoes by Lanvin & Givenchy

Location: The Curiousity Shop